Hannah's Story

Hannah found out she was pregnant just eight months ago when she was a student at Auburn University. Hannah’s greatest joys in life are her family and her new puppy. She enjoys spending time with people she loves most, whether that’s friends, family, or her awesome husband.

When Hannah found out she was pregnant, she was utterly shocked. We sat down with Hannah and asked her a few questions about her journey.
What was something surprisingly difficult about your unplanned pregnancy?
Fear. That was something that was surprisingly difficult. I spent the first few weeks of pregnancy extremely fearful.  I was scared my close friends would reject me and judge me. I was scared my family would never look at me the same. I was scared that I would never face my hometown again without everyone looking at me differently. I worried all the time and would almost have a panic attack when I was about to tell someone close to me that I was pregnant.
What was something surprisingly pleasant about your journey?
How silly it was to be fearful. Wow, a couple months after being so scared of telling people I was pregnant, I looked back at my fear and laughed. My friends and family loved me unconditionally and gave me so much grace. The anxiety I was feeling was completely unnecessary. It taught me so much about true friendship and grace. My friends could have easily rejected me, yet they chose to stay, love me, and support me.
Who was someone who made a difference during your pregnancy and the months following? What did they do to support you?
My sweet boyfriend, fiancé, and now husband, Ford. When I was scared, he gave me comfort. From day one of finding out we were pregnant he has truly been excited, encouraging, and loving. I was so scared he would run, but he constantly stayed. He has been to every doctor’s appointment, made sure I take my prenatal EVERY day, and tended to my every need during the discomforts and cravings of pregnancy. He gives me confidence that we can do this and that it is God’s plan. I know I can face anything now because I have him by my side. He is the best friend and partner God knew I needed and I cannot wait to be a parent with him.
How do you wish those around you had supported you?
There is honestly not much I can complain about on support. Ford's parents and my parents are so supportive and love us unconditionally. They have made us feel so loved and have given us everything we needed. There is no way we could ever repay the love they have shown us. We will both be forever grateful. Friends have called me constantly throughout this process and have driven to see me to make sure I am okay. All of my friends have very busy lives and have sculpted out time in their busy lives to spend time with me. Moving to Jacksonville and leaving Auburn was intimidating and so scary. In moments of loneliness and change, my family and friends were there through every moment.
Is there anything you wish you had done differently?
I wish I had spent more time taking care of my body and my little baby inside of me instead of worrying about the unknown. There have been so many moments in the past eight months where I felt panicked about the future, yet every single time I was panicked everything worked out. Worrying only added more anxiety and lack of sleep to my life. I wasted so much time worrying when everything turned out okay. This does not mean everything turned out exactly how I wanted it; it simply means that things worked out and were resolved. I cannot control my future, and my pregnancy has taught me that.
Looking back, what would you say to yourself the day you found out you were pregnant?
I would probably laugh at myself and all the change I was about to experience.  I would sit myself down and tell myself, “You are going to be a wife and a mother in the upcoming months. This is going to overwhelm and frighten you at times, but these moments will pass and be replaced with joy, excitement, and overwhelming love. Your life is about to change and never be the same, but I promise there is not a single aspect you would change about it. Trust me.”
If Baby Steps had existed, how could this have impacted your experience?
It would’ve been a comfort to know that there is something out there for situations like mine. There is so much worry and unknown that comes with getting pregnant. Baby Steps could’ve solved so much. Knowing that at the end of the day if everything failed, I would have a bed to sleep in at night and a way to finish my education. That would've been extremely helpful.


Kaitlyn’s Story